Morovia MICR/E-13B Fontware consists of true type, Postscript and PCL fonts to print MICR E-13B symbols on laser printers. Morovia MICR E-13B font follows the most recent ANSI standard X9.27-2000 when printed at point size 12. The character set is generally called "E-13B". The standard is used by many countries, including United States, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom and Australia. This package includes the following contents: (1) True type font file of precise design - MRV MICR. (2) Additional 11 fonts for printer calibration. (3) The user manual. (4) The PCL and Postscript (PFA and PFB) version. All files are packaged in a single zip file. The root directory contains the installer for Windows operating system. Three sub-directories can be found under the root directory: truetype, postscript, and pcl. They contain True Type, Postscript and PCL fonts respectively.
Download and use it now: MICR E13B Fonts